You may be feeling the intensity of the final Eclipse of this year on 2nd October. This will be an NEW MOON Annular Solar Eclipse, which is known as a Ring of Fire, a  powerful  release and re-set point. 

The Sun, Moon, Mercury and the South Node of the Moon are all in Libra and all of them are square to Mars in Cancer. This brings  heightened emotions,  old familial and relationship patterns, as well as our defense mechanisms to the fore.

With Pluto still making his way through the final degree of Capricorn, as well as Uranus and Neptune preparing to finish off very long cycles, it is very clear that old redundant ways of operating in the world are ending, to make room for the new.

We have a supportive Grand Water trine between the relationship planets Mars and Venus and the teacher planet Saturn to assist us in healing and releasing that which is no longer needed.

In this video, Michelle explains the energies in more detail, provide some navigational suggestions of how best to align with the current alignments.

In this video, Michelle explains the energies in more detail, provide some navigational suggestions of how best to align with the current alignments.

To see how these cosmic energies are playing out in your personal chart, you can enquire about or BOOK A READING HERE



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