Michelle McClunan

 Welcome to my page, where I invite you to share my passions for Astrology,  Intuitive Art and the great mystery of Life.

 The last 20 years have taken me on an exciting journey of exploration and self discovery and I’m delighted to share what I have learnt along the way. 

Combining my passions for Astrology and Intuitive Arts, I provide a multi faceted approach to help people understand themselves, navigate their lives and develop their true potential

I consult professionally as an Astrologer in person or over Skype/ Whatsapp and assist with life navigation/ coaching, using your birth chart as the map.

I have developed my own method of Intuitive Process Art and have been running regular Workshops and retreats for ten years.

I  also write a blog on the latest Planetary happenings every fortnight, which are most welcome to subscribe to.

And when I’m not doing any of that,  I can be found splashing paint around, occasionally making art to sell,  wandering the countryside, collecting jewels of inspiration or just chilling and being in the moment.