This step.jpgNEXT STEPS

– This beautiful image was created at my Ebb & Flow Retreat last year by Jenny Piercey

Can you even believe that another year has ended and a new one has begun?  Happy New Year everybody!

If you’re anything like me, you might be feeling that we’re still in 2018! This could be because we started the year with the Moon in her waning cycle, which isn’t necessarily the most optimal energy for setting intentions and getting those over-indulged Christmas-infused engines going.

Energetically, the official start to this calendar year as I see it, is marked by the New Moon/ partial Solar Eclipse on the 6th January. New Moons always mark new beginnings and provide us with powerful opportunities every month to set intentions, send them out into the Universe and start new endeavours.


This is a particularly strong one, setting the theme for the year. The Sun and Moon are joined in Capricorn by Mercury and the South Node and flanked by transformational Pluto on one side and Saturn, the wise teacher on the other. That’s a LOT of Capricorn/ambitious/ goal setting energy right there!

Depending on where and how this plays out in your personal chart, on a positive note, it’s likely to bring some commitment, common sense, maturity and clarity to your thought processes and decision making, with regards to how you want to move forward in your life.  However, it could also feel a little heavy – as if there’s a giant finger wagging in front of you, demanding to know what your next move is going to be. With Pluto joining this little party, there could also be  some intense encounters with others, around security, money, business and/or home.


Uranus turning direct in Aries and Mars in the same sign adds some fire energy to the mix, which bodes well for moving forward with new ideas, but can also ignite anger or aggression. Deeeeep breaths people!


It may be that the prospect of another year is a bit overwhelming or responsibility laden. All those expectations …. all those goals you need to set for 2019… all those things you have to accomplish… the weight you need to lose or gain…. the decisions you need to make….  the diets you need to go on…. the money you need to earn…. the parts of yourself you have to fix…….

Really… ?


It all just sounds exhausting to me!


Fortunately Neptune is around to soften things and suggests that we don’t have to control every little thing or figure it all out!. The King of the ocean beckons us into the flow of life, over and over again and reminds us that “success” is an inner, not an outer thing;  that striving and  outward success is not guaranteed to make us happy.


With the Moon’s nodes on the Cancer/ Capricorn axis until mid 2020, we are all being prompted to find a balance between being and doing,  nurturing/ nourishing and excelling out there in the world, between the inner and the outer.  We are reminded that stopping, resting, and tuning in is vital and the only way to reallly get into sync with ourselves and our innate life force, which is the starting point of everything.


This present moment really is the only reality, so why not make one of the goals this year to commit to that!

 “The most important time in your life, is now

The most important person in your life, is the one in front of you… now

The most important activity in your life, is what you are doing now”

From “A Monk’s Journey”  Deepak Chopra

Really let those words seep into your soul!  They give me goosebumps!

There’s certainly nothing wrong with having goals and dreams, but when we define ourselves by them or link our self-worth to them, we are destined to live in an llusory future and very possibly set ourselves up for suffering.

How do you specifically, bring yourself into the present?  What about committing to more of that?  How do you love to feel?  Why not commit to doing/being more of whatever it is that makes you feel that and see what flows from there?


This New Moon,  have another look at your calendar, reassess your goals and ask yourself which ones you really, really, really want to commit to and why. If you have set goals to please others, perhaps question their  validity. If you are committing to things that don’t feel right for you anymore, can you choose differently?  How many of the things you have on your list bring a feeling of joy and expansion?  The one thing we do have as human being is the power of choice!

There really isn’t any sense in getting “ there” (wherever that might be) and being too exhausted to enjoy it.


With Venus joining Jupiter in Sagittarius on 7th January, we really do have the potential  this year of  tuning into the highest possible, achievable and sustainable visions we have for our lives and then committing to them with all the joy and presence that we can muster.


I have opened bookings for Astrology Consultations and Coaching Sessions from 22nd January. Please email me if you’d like to schedule an appointment.


Energetically the next two months are  definitely the best time to clarify our visions and put them out there, so I’ll be running two VISION BOARD workshops – one on the 19th January and the other on the 9th February.  I only have 2 spots left on 19th January, so be sure to book quickly if you’d like to join us on that day. So many people tell me that the visions they worked with in last year’s workshop have already manifested ? –  so its really important to keep them updated and fresh. For more info  or to book, please email me

Here’s to an wonderful year ! I look forward to sharing it with you.

