New Moon March,  New Moon Pisces

Hi Special Soul

We’re heading towards our last New Moon of the Astrological Year, on 13th March. Madame Luna is accompanied by the Sun,  Neptune and Venus (the love planet), all in the feminine water sign of Pisces. 

This is an important New Moon, as it lays the groundwork for the New  Astrological Year!  Leading up to and on New Moon, we are being presented with a powerful opportunity to  clear the fields of our souls,  so that they are ready to receive new , love-based  seeds for the  new season. 

Take some time out leading up to and on the New Moon, to be quiet,  release that which no longer serves you and connect with your true heart’s intentions.

In my video, I explain the energies in more detail,  provide some navigational suggestions  and pull a card from the Divine Feminine Deck, of how best to align with the current alignments. 


  • What do I need to clear/ let go of,  in my life, in order to make room for the new? (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)
  • Am I hanging onto any feelings of victim-hood or resentment and how might this be affecting me?
  • What, in my life, or in the world, am I resisting and how does that feel?
  • How much time do I spend in an open state, flowing with Life?
  • When and how do I shut down and close myself to the flow of life?
  • What or who, in my life, am I invested in tightly controlling (Hint you’ll feel a contraction when you think about this area, situation or person)
  • On what occasions have I surrendered my preferences and allowed Life to run the show and what happened?
  • How often do I allow myself to just “be” and to listen to Universal guidance?
  • What practices could I introduce into my life which would help me to do more of this?


In my video:

I covered the energies in more detail’

Provided some navigational suggestions

Pulled a card from the Divine Feminine Deck, with this powerful affirmation

 “I have the Power to make each moment sacred. Everything is material for my liberation” 




Let me know if you would like to book an astrology reading.

If you have seen me before, we can do an update/  navigational coaching session , where  I will help you to navigate the alignments for the year ahead.  

You can find out what to expect from a consultation with me HERE 


  • What is your Life Vision?
  • What do you really, really want?
  • Who are you?
  • What does freedom mean to you?
  • INCLUDES: 2 x 90 minute Zoom Calls and…
  • 1 x meditation, 1 x guided visualisation, Life Vision Journal, Creative project, Affirmation
  • We are offering one bursary for the full 13 week journey




  • Journey with us and a supportive community of like-minded souls
  • Liberate yourself from unconscious, redundant and exhausting mental patterns
  • Clear the blockages you carry to love, peace, abundance and the joy of life
  • Come home to the truth of who your really are



Take your spiritual journey to another level by joining our ongoing Online Membership Support Platform, InnerSpace.

You can join for a month at a time, or sign up for a full year.  Each month we focus on a different theme, aligned with the Astrological energies of the time.
In March, we will be working with the theme of Divinity.  



Below is a video of last Sunday Night’s Facebook Live –  – where we investigated
WHY WE ARE HERE.,..on earth, at this time, each one of us as a vital thread in the great tapestry of life.

As usual we led you in with a centering meditation and closed with a powerful visualization.  Enjoy!
 Join us live every Sunday on