FULL MOON APRIL 6TH IN LIBRA – Shining a light on Relationships

There is powerful potential for healing this Full Moon, with the Sun, Jupiter and Chiron (the wounded healer) all in Aries, opposite the Moon. The Aries energy calls us to connect with who we truly are and to courageously move in the direction of our intentions. Full moon april

Venus in Taurus, the gentle ruler of the full moon, in alignment with Neptune, encourages us to stand firmly and gently in our true power and to trust the flow of life.  This Full Moon in Libra can illuminate  relationship dynamics and help to bring healing and balance to them.

In my video above I explain the energies in more detail and provide some navigational suggestions of how best to dance with the current alignments.

EMAIL ME if you would like to see how the current alignments are playing out in your personal chart.

Much love
