by Michelle McClunan
Full Moon February 9th is in the bright and beautiful sign of Leo, ushering in Valentines day and more importantly, a celebration of LOVE. Leo is connected with romance, celebration and grand gesture. The Lion King also happens to rule the heart and connects us to our deepest desires, creativity and inner light.
This full moon is in a beautiful, positive flowing trine to Mars in Sagittarius, which suggests that when we are able to connect with the firelight in our hearts (Leo), we positively fuel our goals to learn, grow, expand and share (Mars in Sagittarius).
Mercury turns retrograde on 16th February, so be sure to check travel arrangements and back up all your data before then!
As we approach Valentines Day, it feels a bit like a red heart / rose / cuddly toy hurricane out there! But… if we set the consumerism aside, why not use this as an opportunity to connect with the real symbolism of it all – Why not connect with the essence of what LOVE really is!
- What is love…. really?
- Is Love a noun or a verb?
- Is Love a feeling?
- What does the commandment – “Love one another” really mean?
- Who/ what do you love?
- How do you love?
- How conditional is your love?
- What are the barriers that you may have built between you and love?
“Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek & find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi
The way I see it:
Love is not a sentiment
Love is not a noun
Love is not a verb
Love is not an emotion
Love cannot be understood, but it can most definitely be felt and experienced
Love is who we are at our core. It is the force that animates every living entity. It is eternal. Love is the fundamental vibration, energy, of the Universe. It’s the spark of life that resides in and emanates from, the human heart.
“The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body. The electrical field as measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG) is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG).” McCraty – The Energetic Heart
In my experience when we’re able to bring ourselves into the present moment and drop into our hearts, we fall into or immerse ourselves in the Universal energy of love.
In other words, we fall inTO love.
Its much like what we feel when we fall in love with another person. We see no separation. There is no judgement. There are no conditions. We are fully present. We are one. This is why we love falling in love!
When we are IN love, we feel truly connected and at peace, regardless of what’s happening “out there in the world”. Automatically, we align ourselves with the endless, eternal flow of love and abundance, that is always there waiting for us.
When we focus predominantly on the external world, with our judgemental minds, we create polarisation, separation and fear – which is the opposite of love… and then we suffer. We do this, because we seek our identity in the world of form.
We still have Pluto and Saturn doing their thing and the stern alignment in Capricorn, which can easily pull us into fear and point out where we are not good enough, doing enough or achieving enough.
If or when this happens to you, keep bringing yourself back to who you really are. Ask yourself how you can love yourself and others more (thorns and all), if you can accept yourself and your life, exactly as it is right now? This is what opens the tap to true love and is the only place where true healing happens.
Breathe (for longer on the out- breath than the in-breath)
Drop and soften your shoulders, put them back a bit to open your heart
Gently imagine light energy entering the top of your head, pouring through your body all the way through your feet and into the earth below you.
Then take a spark of that light and place it in the middle of your heart
Breathe and soften your heart
Say the words “I love and accept myself, exactly as I am, right now. I am IN love”
Keep doing that for a few minutes or two and check in again with your body
When we live in the vibration of love, we naturally express compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, respect, generosity, joy, peace—all that inspires, empowers and enhances life.
We are giving away some Extra special Valentine discounts on our upcoming Workshop in Stellenbosch and our Hogsback Retreat (see below).
Bring a friend for half the price!
We’ve also extended our substantial EARLY BIRD discount for the Hogsback Retreat until 15th February. Scroll down for a short video from our November Retreat!
John Homewood and I are so excited about launching our Online Community at the beginning of April – you can read all about it here. We’re still busy building and gathering all sorts of amazing treasures, but please email us and let us know if you are interested in joining us.
We will be doing 3 FREE LIVE ZOOM CALLS, where we’ll be discussing UNLOCKING THE POWER OF PRESENCE.
These calls will give you a real taste of what JOURNEYS OF AWAKENING is all about!
Please email us to let us know which date you’d like to join us.
The major planetary alignments are will be working with us all at a deep level and triggering different areas of our lives, depending on our birth charts. Please email me if you’d like to schedule an astrology or coaching appointment
In Light, Life and Love
Michelle McClunan21st
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